hemp milk


Making Hemp Milk at Home

If you’re a weed lover, you’ve likely heard chatter about hemp and maybe even some buzz around the benefits of hemp milk. If you don’t know, hemp is essentially a cousin of weed. 

Its primary difference lies in its not containing as much THC (the psychoactive agent in bud that gets you high) as its reefer relative. In fact, its concentrations are so low that the use and consumption of hemp are legal in most countries, even those yet to legalize the use of marijuana.

Hemp has many uses and benefits inside and outside the human body. 

For the sake of this article, we’ll be sharing some of the internal benefits with you, along with giving you the inside scoop on making homemade hemp milk. 

What is Hemp Milk?

what is hemp milk

Well, this is a no-brainer since the name says it all, but we’re going to tell you anyway. Hemp milk is milk made from hemp, the seeds to be more specific. 

Tada! Cue ‘The More You Know’ star gliding across your screen.

Alternatively called hemp seed milk, hemp milk is a dairy-free alternative to cow’s milk. We’re looking at you, lactose-intolerant and vegan friends! 

Some people consider dairy-free milk alternatives, such as almond milk or soy milk, knockoffs, and not “genuine” milk because: “almonds don’t have nipples” and “soy milk comes from plants, not animals.”

Honestly, if you’re dedicating energy to thinking about almond nipples, you may have a bit too much time on your hands – just saying. 

Even still, our lactose intolerant and vegan friends need something to eat their cereal with, no? And let’s not get started on those allergic to peanuts or tree nuts?  What should they add to their coffee and smoothies? These people need options, too!

So, we’re here with another non-dairy milk alternative, hemp milk, that in the most basic sense is hemp seeds and water, along with thickeners and sweeteners in some commercial cases. 

There’s something for everyone!

What Does Hemp Milk Taste Like?

Hemp milk might look like regular cow’s milk in many instances, but it doesn’t taste the same at all. 

If you’ve had almond milk, then you should have a decent enough idea of what hemp milk should taste like. Its flavour is sort of like a nut-grain mix and has an earthy flavour when raw.

Of course, this will vary slightly between brands as many add their own ingredients to enhance flavours, such as sweeteners, salt, and vanilla extract. The texture may also vary.

In this way, you may have to experiment with a few different options and flavours to find the one you like best.

Does Hemp Milk Get You High?

hemp milk and high

If you are looking for milk to get you high, you should try out bhang because hemp milk is not it if you’re looking for a weed beverage to get you stoned. 

Remember when we said the THC concentrations in hemp milk are low? In other words, no. It will not get you high.

The THC amounts are so low that there is no possibility of hemp milk supplying any mind-altering or psychoactive effects. 

That said, if you’re looking to reap the benefits of hemp milk while also getting your daily dose of good old-fashioned THC, Sugar Jack’s has got you covered!

What if we told you that you could indulge in the classic nostalgia of cookies and milk with a little something extra added into the mix? It’s true!

Putting a new spin on an old classic, Sugar Jack’s cookies, available in a spice-tastic ginger molasses or old-school favourite chocolate chip, are the perfect treat to have the best of both worlds. 

With 50 mg of premium, nano-emulsified THC distillate infused in each tender, chewy cookie, they’re an ideal element for a dynamic duo that will have you feeling positively sublime. 

Pro tip: We recommend placing the cookies in the microwave for 30 seconds before indulging for optimal taste and texture. You can thank us later. 

What are the Benefits of Hemp Milk?

Nutritional Data

Despite being a plant based milk alternative, hemp milk is just as nutritious as cow’s milk and contains a ton of essential vitamins and nutrients.

1 cup hemp milk contains:

  • 83 calories
  • 7.3 g fat (unsaturated essential fatty acids)
  • 10 mg sodium
  • 180 mg potassium
  • 1.3 g carbohydrates (600 mg fiber) 
  • 4.7 g protein
  • 2% calcium
  • 7% iron RDI (1.4 mg iron)

Store bought milk is generally fortified with other nutrients such as Vitamins A, B12, and D, along with added sugars and artificial ingredients. 

Unlike many other milk alternatives, hemp milk is a complete protein as it contains all the essential amino acids. It also contains omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids that are not produced naturally in the body.

Is Hemp Milk Good for You?

The benefits of hemp milk have been touted for generations. While some testimony is strictly anecdotal, other claims are backed by scientific evidence.

Let’s take a look at a few of them to decide if making the switch to hemp milk will be worth it.

It Can Decrease Your Chances of Developing Cardiovascular Disease

At first glance, the term “fatty acid” may seem like precisely the stuff you don’t want in your body, but the reality is, fats have a bad rep. 

The body needs certain essential fatty acids such as omega 3 and 6 present in hemp milk to carry out essential bodily functions.

As it relates to cardiovascular health, Omega 3 fatty acid is key to regulating blood clotting and the contraction and relaxation of artery walls, reducing inflammation, lowering blood pressure, and improving blood vessel function.

Omega 6 fatty acids ensure the proper functioning of cells in the body and help lower bad cholesterol levels. This may help to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. 

It Promotes Healthy Skin, Hair and Nails

The vitamins, protein, and omega fats found naturally in hemp milk and those added