moldy weed


Moldy Weed – Dangers & Prevention Methods

Smoking moldy weed is a total buzz kill in more ways than one.

Getting all amped up to enjoy some of your favourite icky sticky only to find that it has been infested with hazardous growths is a less than ideal scenario for any toker. Mainly because, under no circumstance, should you debate smoking moldy weed.

Just don’t do it.

Mold is known to cause a variety of adverse health conditions that can vary in severity from a mild sore throat to more severe and significant respiratory and immune system complications.

Basically, mold is bad. Don’t ingest it.

In fact, even government-grade weed isn’t completely exempt from being infiltrated by this unrighteous growth. We know. It’s heartbreaking.

Thus, blazers need to learn how to detect signs of moldy weed to keep themselves safe and prevent it from growing in the first place so that they can enjoy their righteous bud for as long as possible.

If you still aren’t entirely sure how to tell if you have moldy weed, you’ve come to the right place.

Today, we will outline what moldy weed is, why it’s dangerous, and how to protect your stash from becoming tainted.

What is Moldy Weed? Why is it Unsafe?

what is moldy weed

Ultimately, unless you are experimenting with or interested in observing the origins of penicillin, avoid mold at all costs.

You wouldn’t eat a piece of fruit or an unidentifiable food item covered in mold, would you? So, you should apply the same logic to your weed.

We repeat. Smoking moldy weed is never a good idea, no matter how badly you want it. Trust us. It’s not worth it.

Even though not all mold strains will cause you to get super sick, some can cause negative health effects, such as nasal congestion, sore throat, sneezing, wheezing, coughing and even more harmful conditions such as allergies and respiratory issues.

So, why take the risk at all?

Moldy weed usually results from improper storage methods, including weed plants that are either grown or stored in too moist conditions. Moisture is an ideal environment to facilitate the breeding of mold and mildew.

Humidity, moisture, air and light factors all influence the likelihood of developing moldy weed. So, ensuring that tokers know the proper methods regarding how to store weed to preserve its integrity is essential.

Unfortunately, once you have discovered that your weed has grown mold, there is nothing you can do to save it. Stick a fork in it – it’s done.

The only thing you can do once this happens is to throw it out, which is a heart-rendering experience for new and experienced blazers.

Therefore, determining how to tell if you have moldy weed is a valuable skill that all tokers should learn to protect themselves and others from ingesting potentially harmful toxins.

How to Tell if You Have Moldy Weed

moldy weed how to tell

Before smoking any type of weed, you should inspect it thoroughly to ensure it’s safe to consume.

If you aren’t sure how to do that, don’t sweat it. We’ve got you covered.

Use Your Eyeballs

Luckily, mold is typically visible to the naked eye. So, one of the easiest ways to determine if you have moldy weed is simply by looking at it.

Of course, even if you can see it, you might not know for a fact that it is mold. In this instance, there are a few key indicators to watch out for.

In terms of colouring and texture, mold usually looks like white powdered sugar or sawdust. In this way, some cannabis users may mistake it on the surface of their bud to look like kief.

Still, if you look a little closer, you’ll likely be able to tell that it’s mold spores. The trichomes on the cannabis plant typically have a mushroom-type-shape with a bulbous crystalline tip that is unique. Mold does not.

Another key sign of moldy weed is discolouration on specific parts of the weed plant. This fuzzy growth can come in a rainbow of unrighteous colours from grey to black or even yellow and brown. 

Either way, it’s definitely not that gorgeous green that you’re used to.

Finally, slimy weed can be a crucial indicator that there are mold spores on your bud. There is no reason for your weed to be slimy. Do not, under any circumstance, consume it.

Either way, whether it appears as a fuzzy, powder-like consistency or slime, your weed is bad. Throw it out.

Use Your Sniffer

examining cannabis

A sense of smell is an ability that many of us often take for granted. Still, it can be a powerful tool to deter us from potentially harmful toxins.

Luckily for novice and more seasoned tokers, weed has a distinct dank smell that we all know and love.

Mold also has a unique smell.

While the scent may vary from individual strain to strain, cannabis contains a pleasing smell that is more skunky in nature, whereas the smell of mold is gross and unappealing.

If your weed smells like sweat or urine, there is a high likelihood that it has been infested with mold.

Really, anything that smells like sweat or urine is probably not something you should consume, just as a more general rule of thumb. #LifeHacks.

Ultimately, the best approach is to combine your senses of sight and smell to increase your chances of detecting moldy weed.

Invest in a Microscope

As we said, there are various types of mold, and some may not necessarily be detectable to the naked eye.

If you think there might be something off about your weed, you can invest in various tools, such as a microscope or a black light, to help you take a closer look when attempting to identify moldy weed.

If you aren’t looking to break the bank, there are various affordable options available in retail locations and online.

Of course, it will take some practice to spot spores and mold growth on your bud accurately. Practice makes perfect!

A good place to start would be learning the various features of normal cannabis to help cancel out what is and is not supposed to be there.

What to do if You Have Moldy Weed

We said it once, we’ll say it again, and we will continue to say it until the point comes across.

Do not, under any circumstance, no matter how much you want it, smoke moldy weed.

One more time for emphasis. There is no instance or conditions where smoking moldy weed is a good idea. 

Unless you want to risk damaging your immune system, lungs, or experiencing other negative health impacts, just don’t do it.

If you discover that you have moldy weed, as much as it hurts, throw it away.

How to Prevent Moldy Weed

The best and most effective method of preventing your weed from growing any type of mold is to learn the essential elements of how best to store weed.

The key culprits for moldy weed are moisture, humidity and light.

Protect your bud by keeping it in an air-tight glass container or secure jar and store it in a cool and dark location. Light exposure and heat can potentially decarboxylate your weed prematurely, causing it to lose potency by decreasing THC.

Whether you have grown weed at home or purchased it from a licensed dispensary, you must inspect it before smoking to ensure that it doesn’t have any mold on it.

If you find that your purchased weed is infected with mold, contact the dispensary immediately to inform them so that they can take the necessary action to determine whether it was a botched batch and if they need to take further action.

Most dispensaries will want to rectify the situation.

Moldy Weed – Safety First

smoking moldy weed

We’ll say it one more time for the people in the back. Do not smoke moldy weed! There is no instance or conditions where smoking moldy weed is a good idea. 

We really can’t emphasize this fact enough. The potentially harmful toxins and negative health consequences aren’t worth the risk.

While finding moldy weed is a total drag, there are steps that you can take to protect your bud and ensure that it doesn’t happen, one of the most viable being proper storage methods.

If you believe that your weed may be tainted, rely on visual and scent-related indicators to confirm your suspicions. If it is, contact the dispensary you purchased from to let them know that the weed is bad.

sugar jacks edibles

Our advice? Skip the flower and go for an edible. They’re easy to eat and even easier to enjoy. Best of all? You won’t have to worry about any funky mold ruining the experience for you. 

Stay safe, friends!