How to Boost the Endocannabinoid System


How to Boost the Endocannabinoid System

Curious how to boost your endocannabinoid system naturally?

The endocannabinoid system is a complex biological network that ensures several critical functions within our bodies continue to run smoothly. 

Even if you don’t smoke or ingest weed in any way, this system is still vital for establishing that all these internal processes continue to work together and remain regulated to maintain homeostasis. 

If that last term threw you for a loop, don’t worry about it. You don’t need to have a Ph.D. in molecular biology to get the gist of what it means. 

Essentially, homeostasis is the ideal state for the body. It means that everything is functioning as it should be without any issues or interruptions. So, to put it simply, you want to be in homeostasis. Homeostasis should be the desired ‘home’ state for your body. 

Get it now? Excellent! 

So, with this newfound knowledge, it’s within our best interests to preserve and help fuel our endocannabinoid system to be the best it can be in any way that we can, but how do we do that? 

Luckily for you, that’s precisely what we’re here to talk about today! We’re telling you some of the best methods to help ‘boost’ your endocannabinoid system to ensure that it is functioning at its fullest potential.

However, first things first, let’s provide a brief overview of the basics.

What is the Endocannabinoid System? Why do we Need to Keep it Healthy?

As we’ve already described, the endocannabinoid system, or ECS for short, is a complex biological network that helps maintain several crucial bodily functions to ensure that we feel healthy and well-balanced.

Examples of some of these functions include appetite, mood, memory, pain, and physical sensation. 

So, suppose one or more of these processes or their corresponding systems experience something to throw them off. 

In that case, the endocannabinoid system will prompt, you guessed it, endocannabinoids, to signal the cells in that given area by essentially sending a “Hey, U up?” message, having a quick chat, and working to rectify the situation if anything is wrong. 

In a bit more detail, endocannabinoids are the most common neurotransmitters in the body. Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that send these various signals from a neuron to what’s known as a synapse to target a particular cell.

The two most common endocannabinoids are called anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG). 

Since it plays a role in regulating so many different vital functions within our bodies, maintaining the endocannabinoid system by practicing proper upkeep is critical to promote homeostasis and ensure we feel our absolute best.

Want to get the full picture? Read our complete overview of the endocannabinoid system to learn more about what it does, why it’s important and how cannabis impacts and affects its various functions.

How to Boost the Endocannabinoid System 

As we’ve discovered by now, our endocannabinoid systems do a whole hell of a lot for our bodies. In this sense, it’s essential to do our part to ensure that it runs smoothly to perform its laundry list of responsibilities effectively!

With this in mind, here are some of the best ways to boost and promote a healthy and happy endocannabinoid system.


How to Boost the Endocannabinoid System with diet

As we explained above, the endocannabinoid system is what regulates our appetites, but did you also know that it contributes to taste sensation?  

In the context of weed, this enhanced awareness is why many tokers experience a deeper appreciation for the various terpenes present in their bud and why they go out of their way to seek particular strains out. 

Some foods can even enhance the effects of cannabis when ingested simultaneously. To learn more about one such example, check out our article on mango and weed!

In the realm of system upkeep, it’s important to note that endocannabinoids are generated from and broken down into fatty acids by the enzymes within the endocannabinoid system.

Some of these fatty acids are considered essential to promote and maintain homeostasis and an overall healthy system. Still, our body doesn’t generate them naturally. In other words, it’s up to us to include them in our diet.

Examples of these essential fatty acids include omega fatty acids 3, 6, and 9, DHA, and EPA, most commonly found in fatty fish, such as salmon and tuna.

For all our vegan friends out there, don’t panic! You can also source these fatty acids from other foods. For instance, for omega-3s, you can opt for chia seeds, walnuts or flaxseeds. If you’re looking for omega-6 rich foods, some examples include soybean oil, almonds, cashews and sunflower seeds. Finally, foods high in omega-9 fats include olive oil, avocado oil and walnuts.

Diets lacking these essential fat sources will become imbalanced or deficient, which could run the risk of your endocannabinoid system becoming dysfunctional. 

Trust us. You don’t want that! Follow a healthy diet to boost your endocannabinoid system naturally.


Ensuring you keep up with a healthy exercise regimen is essential for maintaining your overall health, including the well-being of your endocannabinoid system. In particular, anandamide, one of the primary endocannabinoids we mentioned before, is released at increased levels when we exercise.

Have you ever experienced a runner’s high? Many researchers theorize that this sensation directly results from an influx of endocannabinoids working their way throughout your body.

Not only is exercise beneficial for promoting a healthy weight and energy levels, but it can also have substantial impacts on your mood, which, as we have now learned, the endocannabinoid system just so happens to maintain and regulate as well!

Scientists and tokers alike also posit that ingesting CBD before, during or after a workout may supply benefits such as increased energy, decreasing inflammation, balancing and regulating glucose levels, boosting mood and aiding in faster recovery times.

Be sure to check out our full breakdown on the CBD workout to learn how it may affect your exercise practices! 


keeping your endocannabinoid system healthy

Not only does exercise contribute to mood and physical health, but making sure you get an appropriate amount of sleep is crucial in ensuring that your body operates as it should. 

We’ve all likely experienced the unsavoury effects of not getting enough z’s in.

Sleep deprivation can cause a slew of unpleasant side effects, including moodiness, impaired memory, decreased immune function, and more. Within the body’s central nervous system, an increase in endocannabinoid levels serve to promote sleep-inducing effects. 

In this way, the endocannabinoid system operates to regulate our body’s sleep cycle.

So, maintaining a healthy and consistent sleep schedule is one of the simplest yet most advantageous things you can do t